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Join us to make a BIG impact in Chippewa County!
Each attendee has the opportunity to nominate a local (nonprofit) organization or program. Three women will be will be drawn “from a fishbowl” and will have up to 5 minutes to share their passion for the organization and share the impact that receiving the funds from our group would have in our community. Every attendee will then vote for the recipient of her choice. Votes will be counted and each attendee will write a $100 check to the recipient organization.
Attendees will pledge their donation upon arrival. Nominations for local non-profit organizations or projects will be collected up until the drawing at 7pm. We will then hear from the persons (or a representative) who nominated the each of the three groups (drawn at random from a “fishbowl”) then all attendees who pledged a donation will vote to select the winning organization or project.
Our goal is to engage 100 women and disperse $10,000 in our community!! Thank you to everyone who has participated in past years! Last year during our 6th annual event we finally meet our goal of donating $10,000 to EUP Well a Youth and Community Mental Health group.
Thanks to the 313 on Ashmun for again hosting our 7th annual event!