ST. Mary’s Catholic School
St. Mary’s Catholic School is a pre-school through grade 8 school. We offer instruction in all core academic subjects as well as religion, art, music, physical education, and technology. We are currently transitioning to a Catholic Liberal Arts (Classical Education) Curriculum. What is Catholic Liberal Arts? Catholic Liberal Arts seeks the truth, goodness, and beauty in what is taught. We do this by using classical works of literature and fairy tales, such as Aesop’s Fables and works by C.S. Lewis, to help form the moral imagination. The practice of poetry memorization and emphasis on grammar helps to train the mind. Latin studies help to train a logical mind and improve English vocabulary. Students study ancient Greek and Roman history to understand the foundations of Western Civilization. An inquiry-based method of science instruction helps to develop a questioning, inquisitive mind. A virtues program to develop individuals of strong moral character. All this trains students to seek the truth in the world around them and to gravitate to what is good and beautiful.